Funding Opportunities

A collation of funding opportunities relating to primary and emergency care research are listed below.

The Health and Care Research Wales website also includes a comprehensive list of funding opportunities at:

Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) and Programme Development Grants (PDG) Wales Outreach Events

In the autumn of 2023, the NIHR opened available funding to health and social care researchers in WalesThe Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) and Programme Development Grants (PDG) funding schemes are excited to welcome applications from Wales.

In order to share this new opportunity with researchers we are running a webinar on the 5th July 2024 at 9:30-11: 30 to outline the remit and scope of these funding awards and answer researchers’ questions. You are more than welcome to join us and please could you share the registration link to those that may be interested too. 

The agenda for the webinar:

  • Event waiting room opens (5 minutes)
  • Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)
  • Aims and scope of PGfAR (20 minutes)
  • Aims and scope of PDG (20 minutes)
  • Q&A session (30 minutes)
  • Closing remarks (5 minutes)

Please note that this webinar is a live event and will be recorded in accordance with GDPR.

We are also hosting a face to face event at Cardiff University on the 24th October 2024 at 10:00-16:00.

This outreach event will give researchers a chance to hear more about the remit of PGfAR and PDG funding, what makes a competitive application and ask questions. This will be a full day event and the afternoon sessions will give researchers the opportunity to have a one-to-one session with a member of the PGfAR team to discuss their application ideas and receive feedback. 

The link to register can be found here: if you could please circulate this to those that may be interested. 

Five new NIHR Funding programmes have opened to Welsh researchers

Health and social care researchers in Wales now have increased access to research funding via the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). 

  • Evidence Synthesis
  • Invention for Innovation (i4i)
  • Research for Social Care (RfSC)
  • Programme Grants for Applied Research programme (PGfAR)
  • Programme Development Grants

For more information please click here.

Versus Arthritis - Living Well 2025

Versus Arthritis are planning to invest around £2 million in projects which address the unmet needs within healthcare access and pathways for people with arthritis. 

Why are we investing in this research area?  
  • It is important to find other ways to help people live better with their condition right now, with support from their local communities. We want more people to understand what they can do to help those with arthritis. This includes arming health services, local communities, schools, and employers with tools to enable people with arthritis to be active members of their communities.  
  • Read more about our research strategy and our living well priority area here: Our Better Lives Today, Better Lives Tomorrow Research Strategy 2022-2026. 
Who can apply for this funding?
  • We encourage diverse teams with varied career backgrounds to apply, capable of advancing research into implementation and scaling-up support.  
  • It is our belief that a multidisciplinary research team will facilitate breakthroughs and foster sustainable positive change for those living with arthritis.  
What types of research are we looking to fund?
  • At Versus Arthritis, we want everyone to be able to access evidence-based integrated services across clinical and community settings for people with arthritis with. Our focus includes facilitating access for disadvantaged communities and ensuring smooth transitions from paediatric to adult care.
  • Additionally, we want to see research interventions that enhance communication between arthritis patients and healthcare providers, supported by decision aids, and advocate for informed, person-centred care grounded in robust health data and knowledge. Overall, this funding call aims to address the need to improve health service access and pathways for people living with arthritis. 

We particularly welcome applications addressing the following:  

  • Improving health care service access – with a particular focus on developing service delivery for communities with less access to health care services, including innovative ways of enabling access to health care. This could include novel strategies for accessing or providing evidence for the effectiveness of existing access models.
  • Improving health care service pathways – aiming to understand the current experience from diagnosis to treatment/management and follow-up, to identify what good referral pathways should look like, and ways to improve and deliver coordinated/joined-up care.  A particular focus on osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and gout (not necessarily in the same proposal). 

This call is OPEN, Apply here: Types of grants | Applying, guidance and funding ( 

Other Funding for Living Well projects  

  • Sitting alongside the Living Well 2025 call is our Oliver Bird Fund Round 3 call in partnership with the Nuffield Foundation, which also aligns with our Living Well Priority Area.  
  • While Living Well 2025 focuses on improving access and delivery of health services delivered by health care professionals, the Oliver Bird Fund seeks to support people outside of the healthcare system and addresses the social and economic wellbeing of people living with musculoskeletal conditions.  
  • If you would like to understand more about which funding call better suits your project, visit our funding calls page here: Types of grants | Applying, guidance and funding (

NIHR funding opportunities

You can find all the links to the funding opportunities below on the Health and Care Research Wales website.

NIHR Fellowship Programme
NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award (DSE)
NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award   

Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme
24/39 EME Programme researcher-led
24/40 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call   
24/41 NIHR NICE rolling call
24/50 Efficacy studies seeking to improve the health and wellbeing of women
24/52 Liver Disease (EME Programme)
24/53 EME Application Development Award - For trials evaluating supplementary interventions and technologies intended to improve the effectiveness of fertility treatments   
EME Advanced Fellowship: Building clinical trials experience   

Health and Social Care Research (HSDR) Programme
24/56 Liver Disease (HSDR Programme)

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme
24/10 Optimal management of perianal Crohn’s disease   
24/11 Nebulised therapy in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and disabling breathlessness
24/12 Improving outcomes for children and young people in care using interventions that combine mentoring with skills training
24/13 Digital technology enabled interventions in Social Care   
24/14 Facilitated access to mutual aid for adults with problem alcohol and drug use
24/15 Pain management programmes for endometriosis   
24/16 The effectiveness of technologies for people living with deafblindness in social care settings
24/17 Management of chronic plaque psoriasis
24/18 Broad call for studies evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of fundamental nursing interventions
24/19 Endoscopic modalities for detection of Barrett’s oesophagus related neoplasia   
24/34 Health Technology Assessment Programme Researcher-led (primary research)
24/35 Health Technology Assessment Programme Researcher-led (evidence synthesis)
24/36 NIHR NICE Rolling Call (HTA Programme)
24/37 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships Rolling Call (HTA Programme)
24/55 Liver disease (HTA Programme)

Public Health Research (PHR) Programme
24/27 Interventions to deliver inclusive economies
24/28 Parenting Interventions
24/29 The health of children and young people in contact with the criminal justice system
24/30 Developer contributions
24/32 Application Development Award (ADA): Digital Health Inclusion and Inequalities   
24/33 PHR Programme researcher-led
24/24 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call (PHR Programme)
24/23 NIHR NICE rolling call (PHR Programme)
24/25 Continuing areas of research interest to the PHR Programme
24/31 Increasing uptake of vaccinations in populations where there is low uptake
24/49 PHIRST Local Government Expressions of Interest
24/51 Liver Disease (PHR Programme)
24/59 Behavioural overweight and obesity management interventions that include long term support in achieving and maintaining weight loss in children and young people
24/60 Unmanageable debt
24/61 Healthy Homes: Overcrowding
24/62 Active Travel facilitators and barriers within different populations
24/63 Workforce health
24/64 Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST) - Process and outcomes evaluation   

Policy Research Programme (PRP)    
PRP (39-01-01) Evaluation of the Nursery Milk Scheme

Research Programme for Social Care    
Technology-Enabled Social Care Highlight Notice

Top tips for winning research funding

PRIME Associate Director, Professor Helen Snooks has produced this helpful reference guide for researchers: 'Top tips for winning research funding' and is available to view in PDF.

Clinical Innovation Hub - Accelerate projects

The Clinical Innovation Hub is a partnership between Cardiff University and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.  The Clinical Innovation Hub is a partner of the Accelerate project, Clinical Innovation Accelerator (CIA). Accelerate is a consortium £24M programme led by the Life Sciences Hub Wales in collaboration with Cardiff University, Swansea University and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.  

It is funded by the Wales European Funding Office (WEFO) and will utilise EU Structural Funds to identify innovation projects that meet an unmet clinical need.

The awards are open to academia, industry, students and healthcare professionals. Innovations could take the form of new technologies, products, processes or services to deliver economically viable solutions for adoption into routine health and social care delivery, for patient benefit, health economic benefit and to stimulate economic growth with attendant socio-economic benefits in Wales.

Support that Accelerate can offer:

  • Funding for “Pilot” (6-12 months and <£20K) and “Platform” (12-18 months and < £150K) projects
  • Access to future funding opportunities/initiatives
  • Clinical input - Buy out and attract in kind NHS staff R&D time
  • Human resource - Clinical Innovation fellows, project management, business management, cost benefit analytics and  research technologist assistance
  • Collaborations  - Industry/Academic/Clinical partner
  • Advice & Guidance - A Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) of Clinical Innovation experts, including devices and intellectual property experts
  • Access to leading Welsh University, University Health Boards and Trusts - patients, facilities and personnel
  • Funding /deadlines: Support and awards operate on an always open basis with funding anticipated until 2021 so you can apply at any time.  If you would like further information on submitting a proposal or have an innovative idea that you think would benefit from the advice or support for Cardiff University applicants, please contact Barbara Coles:

Further information: 

Royal College of General Practitioners

RCGP support for researchers

The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) is supporting researchers to implement academic primary care findings into practice for GPs.

The Research programme includes:

  • Scientific Foundation Board grants
  • RCGP Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Fellowship
  • RCGP Research Ready®
  • RCGP Impact from Research
  • Influencing research
  • Research awards

The new Impact from Research programme offers to partner on research projects and support impact and dissemination through a range of activities.
Further information: